Have You Seen This Incredible LIC Waterfront Art Exhibit That Changes Color Based on the Global Value of Gold?

When boredom hits this summer, feed it with creativity!

Let’s be honest, there is nothing more discouraging than feeling uninspired, but thankfully we are enveloped by a vibrant, varied and colorful art scene here in New York City.

That’s right! Inspiration is everywhere, so frankly there’s no excuse.

This summer, recharge your batteries and find some inspiration with Mika Tajima’s latest art project, “Meridian (Gold),” in Long Island City.

Apart from keeping you cool this summer, the public art piece is also intended to stimulate creative thinking.

“Meridian (Gold)” was selected by participants in SculptureCenter’s Public Process, a program that gathers high school students to explore and learn about the history of NYC landscapes and public art pieces.

Similar to The Museum Of Feelings exhibit that recorded in real-time how people felt last year, Tajima’s water sculpture alters its color to reflect the ever-changing value of gold.

Tajima, a Los Angeles native who currently resides in Brooklyn, is intrigued by measuring collective feelings through the means of technology.

For instance, with “Meridian (Gold),” computers are tracking global markets around the world.


The calculations depend mostly on the collective "moods" that are geared toward geopolitical and economic events.

The financial data from the program later prompts the LED lights to display different colors, with each shade representing the real-time changes in the value of gold.

A steamy cloud of magenta and cyan are sprayed in the air to indicate the fluctuations in the price of gold: magenta means the gold value is up, while a pale cyan color, depicts that it has decreased.



“You’re bathing in the price of gold, basically, while facing one of the biggest financial centers in the world,” the artist told The Wall Street Journal.

The installation which took two months for it’s completion, stands at Hunter’s Point South Park, with the financial capital and Midtown Manhattan as a backdrop.



We’ve all heard money doesn’t fall from trees, and Tajima’s “Meridian Gold” offers you to contemplate and reflect on the fleeting materiality of contemporary life.

So if you’ve ever wondered about the value of gold, now’s your chance! This temporary art piece will be on display through September 25th. Also, don’t forget to tag your photos of “Meridian (Gold)” @SculptureCenter #MikaTajima #MeridianGold to receive one free admission to SculptureCenter!

Check out 10 Best Art Exhibits to Check Out This Summer in NYC.

[Feature Image Courtesy Cultivating Culture] 

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