It's not like we don't have donuts here in New York City― Dunkin Donuts freakin' delivers, we have rainbow donuts, and we even have sushi donuts if that floats your boat.

But we don't like feeling left out. We're still kind of hurting from being snubbed by ice cream donuts.

So how are we supposed to feel about how Krispy Kreme has the audacity to release Reese's doughnuts in Australia but not stateside?!

On their official website, they describe them as "the ultimate flavour indulgence," which is straight up rude. 

Also, who spells flavour with a "u?" Okay, everywhere but 'Murica, but WHATEVER.

"Hand-dipped in choc icing, topped with REESE'S ® peanut butter chips and vanilla biscuit crumbs and finished with a light choc drizzle."


TBH, their website is seriously just cruel. The pictures of the donuts feature a slider that when you swipe it back-and-forth, reveals the filling inside the delicious treats. 

Not cool (but kind of cool).


Food and Wine also points out that although these peanut buttery delights are new to Australia, the UK has had them since March 2015. 

WTF? What did we do to Krispy Kreme to deserve this?


via Food and Wine

Apparently, there aren't even plans to debut Reese's Donuts in the States thus far, but we have our fingers crossed. 

Until then, we're just going to have to settle for the dozens of other desserts available to us in NYC. It's not the same

But we'll live.

[via FoodAndWine] [Feature Image Courtesy FoodAndWine] 
