Is the $2.4 Billion Hudson Yards Subway Station Seriously Already Falling Apart?!

Is this some sort of sick joke? 

After just over six months of its grand opening, the brand spankin' new, $2.4 billion subway station at Hudson Yards is already falling apart. No, literally. Falling. Apart. 

As the New York Post first reported, everything from the station's bathrooms to almost half of its escalators are already out of service-- and have been for over a month. 

“They f- cked up,” declared Louie Berkey, a plumber from Staten Island who said he saw right away that the work on the station was shoddy. “They didn’t install the ceiling here right. It’s not waterproof.”


And apparently, these problems haven't just started as of late. Just two days after opening the mega station meant to help revitalize the west side of Manhattan, an escalator was abruptly taken out of service.

So what's the good news in all of this? Yonkers Contracting Company, the contracting company hired to do the initial construction, has now offered to pay for all of the current repairs needed. 

Here's to hoping they can get it all done, before, let's say, the opening of the Second Avenue Subway, eh? (But trust us, we won't be holding our breath-- and that means neither should you.)

Check out Hudson Yards Officially Set to Have the Tallest Observation Deck in NYC
