KiddingNotKidding: There's Seriously Now a Masturbation Booth for Guys in NYC | spoiled NYC

Not Kidding: There's Seriously Now a Masturbation Booth for Guys in NYC

So it looks like Matthew McConaughey's advice to Leonardo DiCaprio's character in The Wolf of Wall Street (you remember that epic scene where Leo was advised to relieve himself at least two times a day, right?) is finally one step closer to becoming a reality. 

Just this past week, Hot Octopuss, a sex toy company, turned a now-defunct New York City phone booth into GuyFi-- a masturbation booth so that men can "relieve stress." 

The company put a black cloth over a random phone booth right off 28th Street and 6th Avenue, in what has become one of the most offensive-- yet genius-- marketing gimmicks to hit the streets of NYC in recent memory. Inside was simply a chair and laptop.

And no, we aren't joking around. The good news is, maybe all of those subway pervs now have a place to call home instead of our trains? 


By the way, in case you were wondering, it was estimated that approximately 100 men used the booth on its inaugural day.

Take a look at some a couple of photos we grabbed off of Instagram below that shows the booth in all of its glory. 

rajithaarunajith Remember that scene in The Wolf of Wolf Street where Matthew McConaughey advises Leonardo DiCaprio to masturbate at least twice a day, to help him keep his calm as he enters the chaotic world of brokering? It appears London-based sex toy company Hot Octopuss shares that sentiment. The same guys behind the “Guybrator” have now created a male stress relief booth in Manhattan (on 28th Street and 5th Avenue, specifically) called “GuyFi.” It comes with a chair, laptop, and curtain so you can conveniently choke the chicken. Here’s what Hot Octopuss co-founder Adam Lewis had to say about the booth in a press release: There’s no denying that working a nine to five job can be stressful on both your mind and body, especially in a non-stop city like Manhattan. It’s really important for guys to look after themselves so that they can stay healthy and focus properly on the task in hand. We’re told time and time again how beneficial it is to have a break away from your desk. At Hot Octopuss we are all about looking for new solutions to improve everyday life and we feel we’ve done just that with the new GuyFi booth. We hope the city’s men enjoy using the space we’ve created in whatever way they want. It’s completely free of charge… all that we ask is they thank us when they get their promotion! The social experiment may or may not help with New York’s public masturbation headlines. But at least there's finally a safe space for such acts. #GuyFi #Manhattan


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[Feature Image Courtesy Mashable] 

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