So... About That Chicken Sandwich You Wanted: Chick-Fil-A Is Still Closed

So, we might have been a little more misleadingly hopeful than we would have liked earlier today when we mentioned that Chick-Fil-A would reopen today after closing due to a surprise Christmas Eve inspection. 

The result of which, we're somewhat sad to say, was a 59-point deduction

While that's unimaginably gross (okay, so we can imagine), we're still kind of distraught over not having a tasty Chicken sandwich nearby. 

After all, you crave Chick-Fil-A even more on Sundays when they're closed, and it definitely doesn't help when they're still closed the next day. 

That's a fact. That's science. 

While we don't yet know when the "Devil Chicken" will return from its unfortunate sabbatical, they did issue a press release on the entire situation which you can read below.  



via Inside Chick-Fil-A

Welcome to New York, Chick-Fil-A. It ain't for everybody. 

Check out 7 Best Restaurants to Nurse a Hangover in NYC

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 
