Does it surprise you that New Year's Eve is National Champagne Day? It doesn't surprise us one bit.
We're guessing if we polled everyone in the United States, they'd admit that December 31st is the day of the year they drink champagne like they won a championship game.
In honor of National Champagne Day, and, you know, the New Year, we thought we'd take a look at the most excellent champagne bars in the city.
If you have off from work-- or even if you don't --we want you to know: drinking champagne on New Year's Eve in New York City is not an activity reserved exclusively for midnight.
In fact, we'd completely get it if you spent the entire day tossing back glass after glass of the delicious stuff. Want to know where to get champagne drunk for National Champagne Day on December 31st? Read on to find out.
1. Loopy Doopy (102 North End Avenue)
You've heard of Loopy Doopy, right?
It's the rooftop bar that garnered Instagram fame for their Prosecco Pops.
We've got to say that a large wine glass silhouetted by the NYC skyline, the river, and a popsicle dunked in bubbly wine has its aesthetic merits.
Loopy Doopy is an excellent spot to sip on champagne on National Champagne Day because, aside from the famous Prosecco Pops, they have a really incredible view and some pretty delicious champagne.
It's pricey, but to spend the evening of New Year's Eve watching the sunset over the river and sipping champagne, it's worth it.
2. Rose Club (768 5th Avenue)

clardinger Gala middag och klackarna i taket! Vaknar upp och fullkomligt älskade gårdagen🍽🍷💃🎉🍾 Thaaaaaanx girls! #happypills #roseclub #fouclub
Located in the Plaza Hotel, Rose Club is lovely for several reasons. The first is its ambiance. It's dimly lit, luxurious, and dare we say it: romantic.
If you're looking to sip on some bubbly with a love interest during the day on New Year's Eve, Rose Club is your move.
They've got a huge, extensive menu of champagnes, so all champagne savants should run-- not walk --to the Rose Club. Once again, these champagnes are pricey, but you can't really expect anything less at The Plaza.
They've got some food to munch on while you sip, too. We're pretty into the chicken wings, but you don't come for the food. You come for the champagne.
3. The Bourgeois Pig (127 Macdougal Street)

j.kayys Champagne punch, charcuterie plate and some fondue #thebourgeoispig #fondue #dinner #champagne
We're entertained by Bourgeois Pig's name. It's embracing its bouginess, and we respect that.
It's not exclusively a champagne bar, but it's one of the bars in the city with most extensive varieties of champagne. This bar is a good move for those who want to toss back a gleeful glass of bubbly, and then switch to tossing back sparkling wines.
It has a beautiful interior, and it's cozy. They've got mismatched chairs, plastic chandeliers, and a perfect charcuterie plate.
A great draw for The Bourgeois Pig is their incredible champagne punch bowl. It's recommended for between two and four people, and it'll get you all drunk. Suffice it to say, we're entirely charmed by The Bourgeois Pig. You should check it out.
4. Birds and Bubbles (100B Forsyth Street)

birdsandbubbles Breaking News: incorporating Champagne into your diet may increase your memory! Cancel your Lumosity membership and come celebrate with us tonight! #health #science #champagne
At Birds and Bubbles, they've got giant lists of champagne and champagne-focused wine.
On National Champagne Day, it'll be too cold to sit outside, but if you visit Birds and Bubbles on a warmer day, you should experience their outdoor patio. It's way lovely.
They've also got wonderful food options here. The crispy potato salad will rock your world, and the fried chicken is entirely delicious. It's even more delicious when you're washing it down with a bubbling glass of champagne.
The best part about Birds and Bubbles is that it's delectable and reasonably priced. Even all their decadent champagne, while it might get you tipsy, won't ravage your bank account.
Birds and Bubbles is definitely a hot spot to drink champagne on New Year's Eve. You should do it.
,5. Flute (various locations)

goddesskay We about that champagne life @laureenbianca #champagne #happyhour #flutemidtown #nyc #newyork #aboutthatlife
They've got one Flute on the East Side and one Flute on the West Side. They're just about right across town from each other, in fact. Flute Midtown is on West 54th Street and Flute East is on East 53rd Street.
Both Flutes are excellent in equal measures. They're both little, dark, and lovely. Flute Midtown is set slightly below-ground, so it evokes that speakeasy feel.
It's got a red couch and sexy paintings on the wall. If you're going to eat while you slurp down your celebratory champagne, we'd have to recommend the salmon and quesadilla.
Flute East is slightly more upbeat, with live DJs and a really tasty cheese plate. They also have plenty of champagne. We mean both types of champagne and quantity. You'll definitely get buzzed for the New Year.
6. Rose Bar (2 Lexington Avenue)

anna_vinterfall In love of Rose Bar at Gramercy Park hotel🍸 beautiful design, good drinks and beautiful and fun crowd.... Go there if in N.Y #nyc #newyork #rosebarnyc #photographer #jj #ink361 #artbasel #hotelnyc #hotel #travel
Rose Bar is a great place to hang out-- and not just because of the scrumptious champagne.
We mean, we know you're going to toss back the universally festive beverage, but the atmosphere at Rose Bar will definitely enhance your New Year's Eve hangout.
They've got incredible music, a fireplace, couches, beautiful artwork, and a pool table.
They also serve unique, specialty crafted cocktails if you want to switch up and drink something other than just champagne. We know, you probably wouldn't want to drink anything else, but we'll extrapolate just in case.
You should probably try the watermelon martini at least once. It's really one-of-a-kind. Plus, of course, they've got great champagne, which is your whole reason for coming.
7. Corkbuzz (various locations)

_ayoon Can't even describe how amazing this was 🍷 #housemadericotta #tassoham #gnoccofritto #corkbuzz #chelseamarketny
Manhattan's got two Corkbuzz locations. One's located in Union Square and the other is in Chelsea Market. Both are delightful.
The Union Square location hosts its drinking sessions in a quaint wine cellar, serving off a huge, extensive menu of wines and champagnes.
Laura Maniec, Corkbuzz's Sommelier, is a brilliant champagne connoisseur, and has even implemented a "Champagne Campaign" at both of Corkbuzz's locations: bottles of champagne are 50% off from 10 p.m. to close every night.
This news is amazing news for everyone in NYC who's more obsessed with champagne than they'd care to admit. We've also got to say that the food at Corkbuzz will amaze you just as thoroughly as the champagne.
You have, and we absolutely mean have, to try the avocado toast with your champagne. It's really something special.
Check out 8 Best Bars to Drink at If You're in NYC for New Year's Eve.
[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]