Are we supposed to get any more snow this season? Well, we are in the midst of a record-breaking cold weekend, so odds are looking pretty good.
Since it was near zero during the day on Saturday and far below zero on Saturday night, we thought we'd focus on the positive aspects of such a freezing cold weekend.
Yes, below zero temperatures are very lame, but do you want to know what isn't lame? Snow covered buildings. Snow covered buildings are entirely beautiful in New York City.
There are plenty of places in NYC that, when coated in a fresh blanket of sparkling snow, transform into masterpieces. These include NYC's masterful architecture.
Read on to find out which NYC buildings are absolutely stunning when covered in a layer of snow.
As for when to expect fresh snow in New York City? Well, check out the Poncho weather app for that. From an alarm that wakes you up with the forecast to a perfectly timed update before you leave the office for the night, Poncho is the best way to keep tabs on the weather. Download Poncho here.
1. St. Patrick's Cathedral (50th Street between Madison and 5th)

newyorkpalace Wishing everyone a pleasant Monday! Thank you to our weekend guest for sharing this photo of a snowy #stpatrickscathedral ❄️ #Jonas #winterwonderland #roomwithaview
This Roman Catholic church is a decorated Neo-Gothic style cathedral, and it's one of NYC's oldest, most beautiful architectural fixtures.
Its property was purchased in 1810, and at that time, the Jesuit community built a college there. In 1814, the school closed, and it reopened as a chapel for Catholics in 1840.
Today, the cathedral sees more than five million visitors from different nationalities and faiths every year.
The cathedral is magnificent, and it takes our breaths away every time we catch a glimpse of it. Especially when it's covered in snow.
2. Harlem Courthouse (170 East 121st Street)
Harlem Courthouse is another extremely old, extremely beautiful piece of architecture.
It was built from 1891 to 1893, and was designed by Thom & Wilson in the style of the Romanesque Revival.
It's got a four-faced clock, brick, brownstone, bluestone, granite and terra cotta, as well as beautiful gables, archways, and an octagonal corner tower.
It was built for the Police and District Courts, but it's now used by other city agencies. It's definitely a gorgeous building - even more so when it's topped by fluffy white snow.
3. Van Cortlandt House Museum (6036 Broadway - the Bronx)
The Van Cortlandt House Museum is the oldest building in the Bronx. It was built in the Georgian style by Frederick Van Cordlandt in 1748 for his family.
When it snows on this gorgeous building, it's definitely a sight to behold.
Its shrouded by beautiful, outstretching trees and the path leading up to its rustic front door is lined with bushes. When this is all coated in bright snow, it's among the most charming sights in the city.
It's made even more beautiful by its history. It saw the earliest years of New Amsterdam, and hundreds of years of NYC's past. For hundreds of years, NYC's residents have been blown away by this museum.
4. Grand Central Terminal (89 East 42nd Street)
We definitely think Grand Central is made of dreams, from its miles of marble inside to its sparkling, starry ceiling. It covers 48 acres and has 44 platforms, which, we're proud to report, is more than any other railroad station in the world.
It's one of the world's most visited tourist sites, and it attracted 21.9 million visitors in 2013. It was initially designed and built in 1871, and was renovated extensively between 1899 and 1900.
It went through another renovation on Donald Trump's dollar in 1975. If you think Grand Central is pretty on the inside, you should check it out when it snows. It's unlike anything we've seen anywhere else.
,5. Flatiron Building (175 5th Avenue)
The Flatiron Building was initially called the Fuller Building, and it's a 22-story steel framed building. It's famous because it's a beautiful old triangle, and it was built in 1902.
At that time it was one of the tallest buildings in the city, at 20 floors high, and it was one of two skyscrapers north of 14th Street.
It's one of the world's most iconic skyscrapers, and it's certainly one of the most prominent symbols of the city. It was designated an NYC landmark in 1966, and became a National Historic Landmark in 1989.
Were all these accolades handed to the Flatiron Building because it's so unbelievably pretty when it snows? Well, we're not sure, but we know its banging view is unmistakable.
6. Metropolitan Museum of Art (1000 5th Avenue)

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This world-famous museum was originally built in 1880. Its central pavilion and neoclassical facade were designed and added in 1902, and its north and south wings were designed in 1911.
Since 1975, its had six additional wings added by the architectural firm Roche Dinkeloo. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1986.
It's one of the world's largest and finest art museums, and it's got more than two million works of art inside.
On the outside, though? Well, when it snows on the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it's just as pretty as all the paintings inside.
7. Trinity Church (75 Broadway)
Some of the prettiest architectural fixtures in NYC are its old churches, and Trinity Church is no exception.
It's super old and super beautiful, and has been ever since it first opened in 1846. Its history is way older than that, though. The property it sits on was first purchased by the Church of England in 1696.
It was initially a modest rectangle when it was built in 1698, which was sadly destroyed in the Great New York City Fire of 1776. That fire destroyed nearly 500 houses and buildings.
The second church's construction began in 1788, and was consecrated in 1790. That church, though, was torn down after being weakened by snow in 1838.
The third and current church began construction in 1839 and was finished in 1846. When it was built, its 281-foot spire and cross was the highest point in New York, until it was surpassed in 1890 by the New York World building.
As you can see, this church as a ton of history, and it's also incredibly good looking when it snows.
Check out The Photographer Who Takes the Most Beautiful Shots of NYC in the Snow.
[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]