It's finally getting cold outside. You know what that means? It means after all that complaining about how much we missed winter, we've actually got to deal with winter.
Which, as you know, means never wanting to leave your apartment. Ever.
Except there are some tempting aspects about New York City. Some aspects, in fact, that are so tempting that they'll actually lure you out of your apartment. Like good movie theaters.
Some movie theaters are great because they've been totally revamped, and that means they have giant, soft, remote-controlled reclining red seats.
Some movie theaters are great because they have fully stocked bars and menus, so you can satiate yourself on a cold beverage and a hot meal while you gape at the screen.
Read on to check out NYC's 7 best movie theaters. Then, leave your apartment and check them out. Trust us, it will be a way better experience than sitting on your couch watching that bootleg copy.
1. AMC Village 7 (66 3rd Avenue)
It's back. That's right, AMC Village 7 is back, and it's better than ever before.
It's had a complete and total renovation, and now it's re-opening with flair. You in?
We're not going to say that the theater didn't need renovations - it did - but we're way excited about all its new features.
Now, AMC Village 7 has reclining seats in all seven of its theaters. They're plush, big, red comfy armchairs. They practically remind you of sitting in your living room.
The theater now has plenty of room to stretch out your legs, those insane touchscreen soda vending machines, and a fully schedule of movie showings.
Make sure you get downtown and check it out. We'll even go with you if you want.
2. Nitehawk Cinema (136 Metropolitan Avenue - Brooklyn)
It's theaters like Nitehawk Cinema that make people fall in love with NYC all over again. It's theaters like Nitehawk Cinema that cause people to love Brooklyn more than Manhattan.
We mean, it's true. Brooklyn does have it going on.
Let us tell you the deal with Nitehawk Cinema. They've got artsy, indie flicks, and also mainstream flicks. They've got these tiny little theaters with about five rows, and they've got a fully stocked bar.
Like, we mean it. They have long island ice teas and Irish Catholic coffee and lots of different beers.
They also serve a full menu. They serve cake. They serve hotdogs. They serve hanger steaks, tater tots, Brussels sprouts, flatbread, and short rib empanadas.
Imagine chowing on a crab cake, sipping a beer, and catching a movie, all at once. That's pretty much the experience at Nitehawk Cinema.
3. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema (445 Gold Street - Brooklyn)

mikepuckettddm It's Craft Beer Friday Houston! Head over to the Alamo Drafthouse Mason in Katy and enjoy a Top Texas Craft Beer! Take a look at the FULL review HERE #CraftBeerFriday Certified #goodeatsHouston #AlamoDrafthouseCinema #HoustonCoolActivity @houstonalamo @goodeatsLocal
The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, when it's completed, will have everything you could want. We're talking movies and food. We told you: everything you could want.
Oh yeah, they'll have drinks too. We definitely want those also.
There will be cold beer, hot meals, and on fire movies. Everything from blockbusters to oddities. We told you, coming to the Alamo Drafthouse in Downtown Brooklyn is nothing short of necessary.
They also pay extreme attention to detail in film presentation and programming. They never, ever show ads on their screens, and they create custom preshows with content themed to the features they program.
Pretty cool, right? They also have really delicious beer, fine wines, and pizza that makes us swoon.
4. Landmark Sunshine Cinema (143 East Houston Street)

maumak So custom sodas are a regular thing now at the movies and it pretty much made my night. I may be slightly pathetic. #tgif #Friday #atthemovies #landmarkcinema #cocacola #cocacolafreestyle #chooseyoursoda
We mean, we are New Yorkers after all. Sure, every so often we're into those blockbuster hits everyone talks about. We do indulge in our share of Hunger Games, Star Wars, and the like, but we're also into those niche art house flicks too.
Which, you know, we can take in at the Landmark Sunshine Cinema.
We're also into it for another reason: they've got some really great midnight screenings of everything from old school classics to cult films.
We don't always want to see the movies that just came out, you know? Sometimes we want to binge on our favorite classics at night, and at Landmark Sunshine Cinema, you get just that opportunity.
,5. IMAX Fit (135 Plymouth Street - Brooklyn)

dullin95 Anniversary night with my babe ❤️#hungergamespart2 #😍 #likewestarted #imax #movienight #hungergames #cradlestone #sterkinekor
So this theater doesn't actually exist yet, but when it does, it'll totally make us leave our apartments.
We think this is just about the coolest idea ever. Okay, so getting completely drunk in the movies is great, and so is catching your breath at a 3d IMAX experience.
We're huge proponents of the whole being healthy thing, though. So the concept of sprinting hard on a stationary bike in a movie theater is pretty appealing to us.
Here's what we know about IMAX Fit. A permit has been filed in the name of IMAX Fit LLC with the Community Board 2 in Dumbo, the end goal being that they'd open the fitness center on the first floor of 135 Plymouth Street.
When it's actualized, it'll be the first gym of its kind. It'll have a stationary bike studio, and all the bikes will face an IMAX screen.
Are we that surprised that NYC are the first ones to have such a gym? No, we're not. We do tend to be trend setters here in this city.
6. South Street Seaport Movie Theatre
The movie theater at South Street Seaport will be so good, so luxurious, you'll probably wind up spending more time there than at your apartment.
We're kidding, obviously, but you'll definitely come here a lot once it exists. That's right, this one isn't actualized yet either, but the plans are extravagant.
Let us fill you in. It's supposed to open in June of 2016, and that means great things for everyone who loves movies and food. Which is ... basically everyone. Like, if you don't love movies and food we don't really understand you.
Anyway, the theater will have eight theaters, each of which will range from 43 to 143 seats. They'll also have a full menu for munching while you watch.
On that menu will be everything from pizza to cheesecake brûlée. We told you it'd be wonderful. Oh, also, the seats are going to be extra plush. The best part? They'll serve alcohol too.
Needless to say, we can't wait for this theater to open.
7. AMC Loews 84th Street

d2_nut2 Just saw #jurassicworld shit was bananas #amcloews #lincolnsquare #movies #movie #film #theatre #tv #film #jurassicpark #nyc #newyorkcity #manhattan #hollywood #420 #710 #3D #dabs #high #lsd #acid #thc #cool #awesome #amazing #imax
Remember when we discussed all those shiny renovations going on at the AMC in the East Village?
Well that already went down at the AMC on the Upper West Side last year. They got those plush, reclining red arm chairs that evoke chilling out in a very fancy living room.
Oh yeah, also the seats are motorized. You can control them with a remote control. You can also reserve them in advance, which means you don't have to show up to the theater forty-five minutes early, inundating yourself with ads, just to get a seat.
They've got crystal-clear new screens, and shining clean new theaters. We're into it. You should check it out, and that means leaving your apartment.
Check out 14 Experiences Every New Yorker Has Had at the Movies.
[Feature Image Courtesy Capalino]